Thursday, 29 July 2010

It was not about Alicia Keys, stop spreading hate by taking words out of context

I was very surprised to find out that some folks started assuming that there were subliminal messages in my blog posted more than a month ago: There are NO subliminal messages there.

The conclusion in my post was a general statement that can apply to various artists around the world from UK, US, Russia, China, Germany etc and at any point the history of music business. It was not targeted at any particular artist especially someone who writes and produces songs for themselves and other people, where is the logic in that? It was definitely not about Alicia Keys. Any Russian person who read it could have possibly linked it to a famous Russian artist in their mind who folks in the US or other parts of the world have never heard of. I guess, people see what their eyes want to see. No need to start a beef here and spread hate by taking words out of context.
If I said that I don't fuck for tracks it means I don't and have never done so. The story about Glastonbury is one of the incidents that happened in my life and was very upsetting. Also it doesn't mean that every relationship within the industry have to do with ulterior motives, people simply fall in love sometimes.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Power of mind vs. material wealth

I find discovering and developing the powers of the mind much more pleasant and fruitful than digging for silver and gold. After physical death what we can take with us to the spiritual world is lessons we've learned but none of material things of the physical world. Also spiritual growth brings peace of mind no matter what circumstances are when the biggest material wealth will not protect from one's personal insecurities, doubts and depression. The key to fight and survive any battles in life is to be able to choose how to react to every situation, than it will make us stonger and mentally immune to anything as we go on the journey.