Friday, 24 January 2025

New Year 2025 with Nicole

 Nicole and I have a tradition to celebrate New Year's Eve at home. It is a family holiday and I cook a lot of traditional food. It is a time associated with childhood on one hand, and new plans for the coming future, on another. It is one of my favorite holidays in the year. 

2024 has been a productive year for me academically. I started learning Latin and Ancient Greek, took a course in Old English literature at the university of Oxford. As an poet and musician, I learned English through the sounds of music, songs, cultural references and what trully connects people. This is the same with studying ancient languages - by acquiring the knowledge of the way people spoke thousands of years ago, it is more vivid to understand their view of life and the atmosphere. Architectures, myths and legends speak loudly through the original language and symbols of the people.

Nicole was working hard to get through her GCSE exams, especially during spring 2024. It was a milestone in maturity and finding out about the personal aspects of discipline. I also got further introduced to the British school education system and how it differs from the way I learned. It will be an interesting topic to discuss - some observations on educational process in different countries from a persepctive of a creative, an artist. Nicole is studying Classical Civilisation, History and Socialogy for A Level. She also has moved schools for the first time, which is an adventure in itself as she has studied at the same school - Old Palace of John Whitgift - since reception, from the age of 4 till the age of 16. Now, in Years 12 and 13 she moved to a different school in South London, still in the same area.

I continued the journey of my third album 'Revelation Ships' with new promotion of my songs from this album. I travelled around England, filming places relevant to the songs and exploring. Hastings is one of my towns to visit, because of the layers of history and the fact, that it feels like you are almost abroad. Oxford is a treasure of discoveries when it comes to research at the library and the Ashmolean Museum.

I received certificates and accreditation from the university of Oxford for my course in Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancestral Voices The Oldest English Literature, Archaeology. I also took 'Magic in the Medieval Society' course. I visited an archaeological site for the first time, it was at Cookham.

 2025 is coming to continue this creative journey.

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